After receiving a wonderfully diverse range of applications we are pleased to announce the successful projects for 2019:
HorsePower Denmark
HorsePower Denmark (previoulsy known as Riding for the Disabled Denmark) were successful in applying for a grant to produce a mobile mounting block for use at the Denmark Pony Club grounds as well as at the undercover areana at the WA College of Agriculture Denmark.
Riders and volunteers, both of whom are at their most vulnerable to injury during the mounting process, now use this block to safely assist riders mounting when their horses.
Having the funds to build a mobile mounting block guaranteed HorsePower Denmark can continue its riding program, increasing the reliability of access to sport, recreation and social interaction; essential for all members of our community, especially those living with disability, who are often marginalised or alienated in rural areas through lack of available services.
Weavers of Waste
Amaroo Village
The Amaroo Residents Committe were successful in their funding applicaiton to purchase some small tools and equipment as a means to encourage residents of Amaroo to engage in meaningful activities, learn new skills and socialise.
While the village has a dedicated workshop space, it lacked equipment particularly woodworking tools.
“Your generous grant has allowed us to produce some very useful items that benefit many of the residents at Amaroo”.
Denmark Senior High School
Their project offered weekly, out of school multi performing arts opportunities for adolescents who attend Denmark SHS. culminating in a series of performances of the musical “Happy Days”. The project employed local professional musicians, and technicians to ensure that the cast produce a high quality performance.
The project provided opportunities for the young people of Denmark through the provision of a positive, weekly after school activities. It was a structured and productive process which gave participants the opportunity to develop skills and create peer support networks beyond standard school social affiliations. Thereby, enhancing the sense of connectedness participants felt with each other and the broader Denmark community who came to view the final performances.
Denmark Baroque
The Denmark Baroque Choir and Orchestra, consisting of over forty local singers and instrumentalists, all of whom are enthusiastic about early music, were joined and led by specialist musicians from the Eastern states and Perth.
The performance was prepared and conducted by music specialist, Dr Georg Corall. Dr Corall has previously collaborated with Denmark Baroque Inc., supporting and encouraging rural musicians in previous productions.
“Thank you for the grant towards the production of The Missa Solemnis.
It attracted a very appreciative audience at both performances and was a wonderful experience for all the performers. With the assistance of an accomplished singing teacher from Melbourne the Denmark Barooque Choir reached new heights.
It was a very successful community event and a huge amount of self-confidence was gained by the participants”.