Our Work
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Bushfire Recovery

In February 2022 bushfires threatened Denmark, burning 2500 hectares of bush and farmland. Thanks to the heroic efforts of over 150 firefighters and 16 water-bombing aircraft, the fire was brought under control after a 3 days. The Denmark community responded swiftly, with the support of Emergency Services and community support agencies.


Denmark Community Foundation is proud to have been officially recognised by the Shire of Denmark as the preferred organisation for community donations. The DCF established two donation streams, that provided donors with the option of tax-deductibility. The funds raised were used to address the urgent needs of the community members that lost houses and farmland, with funds being allocated to emergency accommodation, food, clothing and building supplies. Thanks to the relationships between DCF and local businesses, vouchers for food and clothing were also distributed to allow people to buy good at “at-cost” prices.


Thanks to the generosity of the community, the foundation received $50,400 in direct donations. This money was raised from individuals, local businesses, art exhibition sales and donations to the DCF Containers for Change. Impressed with the efforts of the DCF, the Rotary Club of Albany Port WA provided another $75,000 to DCF, which was distributed to local farmers to aid in their recovery from the bushfires.

I would like to thank you and the Denmark Community Foundation for all the work put in to collecting and allocating the donated funds. I am very grateful for the assistance offered to me to help with rebuilding my home. Please pass on my thanks to all the board members. I also realise how fortunate I am to live in such a supportive community and have been overwhelmed by all the support offered to myself and my family.


Warm Regard, J

Thank you for generous help, I had to read it twice. I am overwhelmed by the help you have given us. This will go a long way to help us get some of the things that we have lost.



Previous Work

Back to school funding

The Denmark Community Foundation (WA) Inc. was successful over a period of 8 years in acquiring and distributing “Back to School” funding, making a difference to local families and students at the start of the school year.

Local families received back to school financial assistance for their children through this initiative delivered by the Denmark Community Foundation. Back to School vouchers were distributed locally, in partnership with local schools and businesses to help reduce the burden of costs associated with the commencement of a new school year e.g. school uniforms and other learning resources.

The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and the Sidney Myer and Pratt Family Foundations have supported Denmark through the Foundation for a number of years and we were sad to learn this program wasn’t going to continue beyond 2018.

The Denmark Community Foundation is working on how a similar program can be funded by other means as we saw first hand how much difference this can make in kids’ lives whose parents may not be able to afford all their school materials.

Previous Work

Back to school funding

The Denmark Community Foundation (WA) Inc. was successful over a period of 8 years in acquiring and distributing “Back to School” funding, making a difference to local families and students at the start of the school year.

Local families received back to school financial assistance for their children through this initiative delivered by the Denmark Community Foundation. Back to School vouchers were distributed locally, in partnership with local schools and businesses to help reduce the burden of costs associated with the commencement of a new school year e.g. school uniforms and other learning resources.

The Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR) and the Sidney Myer and Pratt Family Foundations have supported Denmark through the Foundation for a number of years and we were sad to learn this program wasn’t going to continue beyond 2018.

The Denmark Community Foundation is working on how a similar program can be funded by other means as we saw first hand how much difference this can make in kids’ lives whose parents may not be able to afford all their school materials.

recent work

Albany Radiation machine project

The Denmark Community Foundation is proud to have partnered with local, motivated community members to make this extremely important project succeed for the benefit of the entire region.

Albany’s need for a radiation treatment machine is evidenced by cancer patients from the Great Southern forced to make round trips to Perth to receive treatment. This is stressful and tiring for patients and their families – we truly felt we can do better!

After a number of awareness-raising campaigns, fundraising activities and the relentless work of project proponent Mary Williams (pictured), we were excited to learn that the project attracted $13M of State Funding along with $6.6M of Federal funding! 

The new centre to house this machine is expected to be completed by 2022 and this amazing outcome is great example of how a Community Foundation, coupled with ‘people power’, can bring about meaningful change.

Community Grants

Previous Recipients

HorsePower Denmark

HorsePower Denmark (previoulsy known as Riding for the Disabled Denmark) were successful in applying for a grant to produce a mobile mounting block for use at the Denmark Pony Club grounds as well as at the undercover areana at the WA College of Agriculture Denmark. 

Riders and volunteers, both of whom are at their most vulnerable to injury during the mounting process, now use this block to safely assist riders mounting when their horses. 

Having the funds to build a mobile mounting block guaranteed HorsePower Denmark can continue its riding program, increasing the reliability of access to sport, recreation and social interaction; essential for all members of our community, especially those living with disability, who are often marginalised or alienated in rural areas through lack of available services.

Weavers of Waste

“Many thanks for supporting the recent exhibition of the work of Kelly Bos and Samala Ghosh, Weavers of Waste.

The exhibition was a huge success and we had a large number of visitors throughout the weekend who appreciated the opportunity to see the work created by these talented young women.

Nearly all of the works were sold to eager buyers who will enjoy them for many years to come.

With enhanced skills and confidence Kelly and Samala are back in the studio weaving with enthusiasm like never before”.

Warm regards
Cecile, Rinske and Hilary

Amaroo Village

The Amaroo Residents Committe were successful in their funding applicaiton to purchase some small tools and equipment as a means to encourage residents of Amaroo to engage in meaningful activities, learn new skills and socialise.

While the village has a dedicated workshop space, it lacked equipment particularly woodworking tools.

“Your generous grant has allowed us to produce some very useful items that benefit many of the residents at Amaroo”.

Denmark Senior High School

Their project offered weekly, out of school multi performing arts opportunities for adolescents who attend Denmark SHS. culminating in a series of performances of the musical “Happy Days”. The project employed local professional musicians, and technicians to ensure that the cast produce a high quality performance.

The project provided opportunities for the young people of Denmark through the provision of  a positive, weekly after school activities. It was a structured and productive process which gave participants the opportunity to develop skills and create peer support networks beyond standard school social affiliations. Thereby, enhancing the sense of connectedness participants felt with each other and the broader Denmark community who came to view the final performances.

Denmark Baroque

The Denmark Baroque Choir and Orchestra, consisting of over forty local singers and instrumentalists, all of whom are enthusiastic about early music, were joined and led by specialist musicians from the Eastern states and Perth.

The performance was prepared and conducted by music specialist, Dr Georg Corall. Dr Corall has previously collaborated with Denmark Baroque Inc., supporting and encouraging rural musicians in previous productions.

“Thank you for the grant towards the production of The Missa Solemnis.
It attracted a very appreciative audience at both performances and was a wonderful experience for all the performers. With the assistance of an accomplished singing teacher from Melbourne the Denmark Barooque Choir reached new heights.
It was a very successful community event and a huge amount of self-confidence was gained by the participants”.

St John Ambulance - Denmark

St John Ambulance (SJA) – Denmark recently pulled together the funding to extend the centre; allowing volunteer ambulance officers to stay overnight when on-call.

This will enable those officers from further out of town to volunteer for night shifts, improve response times and overall morale.

SJA will use their community grant to install reverse cycle air-conditioning in this section; an absolute must for Denmark Winters and Summers!

Stepping Out - Two

Stepping Out – Two was created to provide mature singles in Denmark with opportunities to socialise as well as encourage friendship and companionship through affordable and fun events, outings and activities.

Loneliness and isolation is a very real and present issue facing all ages in Denmark and Stepping Out – Two is making a concerted effort to alleviate this for the mature singles in our community.

Sarabande Early Music Ensemble

In Preparation for the production of the early baroque opera ‘Judgment of Paris’, staged as the opening to the Denmark Festival of Voice in 2017, Sarabande, as part of the Community Orchestra, and the Community Chorus participated in weekly workshops during November and December, 2016, and from February to end of May, 2017.

These workshop/rehearsals were led by local musicians Carlien Trotter for the Chorus and Jude Iddison for the Orchestra. These local conductors enhanced their skills by working closely with the Vocal Coach/Stagecraft and Music Directors, from Perth who have both had extensive training in the baroque approach.

Denmark Weed Action Group

Denmark Weed Action Group’s (DWAG) work is recognised throughout the region’s natural resource community.

The results of several decades of effective management of our shire’s bushland has given Denmark a showcase of reserves and biodiversity. DWAG’s skills and expertise have been used to sponsor weeding groups in Torbay, Walpole and other locations.

Denmark Community Foundation is pleased to offer financial support toward the replacement their ageing ute to keep up their fantastic work.

Gumnut Corner Denmark - Occasional Daycare Centre

Gumnut Corner (or ‘Gumnuts’ as it’s affectionately known around town) is a local, not-for-profit daycare centre that has been supporting local families for 20 years.

Gumnut Corner is planning a community event to celebrate their history and with some assistance from the Denmark Community Foundation, are sure to put on a cracking event! Keep an eye on their Facebook page for details.

Spirit of Play Community School

Spirit of Play Community School received $1,000 toward a Mindful Awareness Parenting (MAP) program that aimed to strengthen and support parents and care-givers in the way they raise and nurture children.

MAP teaches people to be mindful of their own values, feelings, thoughts and reactions so they can parent and provide care in more respectful, sensitive and nurturing way.

​The program aims to develop secure attachments between parents/care givers and children by teaching the values of sensitive and consistent parenting whereby they respond to their child’s relationship needs with strength and kindness.

Green Skills 'Tip It Up!' program

The Tip it UP Project developed community members’ basic manual tool-handling and DIY skills. It provided:

  • an inclusive social learning space in the theme of recycling and up cycling materials from the Denmark Tip Shop
  • an opportunity for social interaction between people with a diverse range of abilities and disabilities

Kitchen Garden @ CWA

Promoting healthy eating and intergenerational gatherings through food and garden.

CWA created a thriving organic garden in a central location where members of the community can attend workshops to improve their gardening/cooking/preserving skills with a focus on years of CWA knowledge, healthy living and intergenerational bonding.

‘A Smart Start Denmark’

A project designed to provide families with information on the development and milestones of their children from 0 to 4 years.

The Denmark Community’s Future grant assisted in the purchase of manuals and books to support local mothers with new infants.

ECLECTICA – Denmark’s Community Choir

The Eclectica Community Choir received funds in support of the ‘Digby to Denmark’ project, where highly talented musician, director and teacher visited Denmark for workshops with the choir with the aim of improving vocal techniques, presentation and repertoire and directing skills.

Community Grants

Previous Recipients

HorsePower Denmark

HorsePower Denmark (previoulsy known as Riding for the Disabled Denmark) were successful in applying for a grant to produce a mobile mounting block for use at the Denmark Pony Club grounds as well as at the undercover areana at the WA College of Agriculture Denmark. 

Riders and volunteers, both of whom are at their most vulnerable to injury during the mounting process, now use this block to safely assist riders mounting when their horses. 

Having the funds to build a mobile mounting block guaranteed HorsePower Denmark can continue its riding program, increasing the reliability of access to sport, recreation and social interaction; essential for all members of our community, especially those living with disability, who are often marginalised or alienated in rural areas through lack of available services.

Weavers of Waste

“Many thanks for supporting the recent exhibition of the work of Kelly Bos and Samala Ghosh, Weavers of Waste.

The exhibition was a huge success and we had a large number of visitors throughout the weekend who appreciated the opportunity to see the work created by these talented young women.

Nearly all of the works were sold to eager buyers who will enjoy them for many years to come.

With enhanced skills and confidence Kelly and Samala are back in the studio weaving with enthusiasm like never before”.

Warm regards
Cecile, Rinske and Hilary

Amaroo Village

The Amaroo Residents Committe were successful in their funding applicaiton to purchase some small tools and equipment as a means to encourage residents of Amaroo to engage in meaningful activities, learn new skills and socialise.

While the village has a dedicated workshop space, it lacked equipment particularly woodworking tools.

“Your generous grant has allowed us to produce some very useful items that benefit many of the residents at Amaroo”.

Denmark Senior High School

Their project offered weekly, out of school multi performing arts opportunities for adolescents who attend Denmark SHS. culminating in a series of performances of the musical “Happy Days”. The project employed local professional musicians, and technicians to ensure that the cast produce a high quality performance.

The project provided opportunities for the young people of Denmark through the provision of  a positive, weekly after school activities. It was a structured and productive process which gave participants the opportunity to develop skills and create peer support networks beyond standard school social affiliations. Thereby, enhancing the sense of connectedness participants felt with each other and the broader Denmark community who came to view the final performances.

Denmark Baroque

The Denmark Baroque Choir and Orchestra, consisting of over forty local singers and instrumentalists, all of whom are enthusiastic about early music, were joined and led by specialist musicians from the Eastern states and Perth.

The performance was prepared and conducted by music specialist, Dr Georg Corall. Dr Corall has previously collaborated with Denmark Baroque Inc., supporting and encouraging rural musicians in previous productions.

“Thank you for the grant towards the production of The Missa Solemnis.
It attracted a very appreciative audience at both performances and was a wonderful experience for all the performers. With the assistance of an accomplished singing teacher from Melbourne the Denmark Barooque Choir reached new heights.
It was a very successful community event and a huge amount of self-confidence was gained by the participants”.

St John Ambulance - Denmark

St John Ambulance (SJA) – Denmark recently pulled together the funding to extend the centre; allowing volunteer ambulance officers to stay overnight when on-call.

This will enable those officers from further out of town to volunteer for night shifts, improve response times and overall morale.

SJA will use their community grant to install reverse cycle air-conditioning in this section; an absolute must for Denmark Winters and Summers!

Stepping Out - Two

Stepping Out – Two was created to provide mature singles in Denmark with opportunities to socialise as well as encourage friendship and companionship through affordable and fun events, outings and activities.

Loneliness and isolation is a very real and present issue facing all ages in Denmark and Stepping Out – Two is making a concerted effort to alleviate this for the mature singles in our community.

Sarabande Early Music Ensemble

In Preparation for the production of the early baroque opera ‘Judgment of Paris’, staged as the opening to the Denmark Festival of Voice in 2017, Sarabande, as part of the Community Orchestra, and the Community Chorus participated in weekly workshops during November and December, 2016, and from February to end of May, 2017.

These workshop/rehearsals were led by local musicians Carlien Trotter for the Chorus and Jude Iddison for the Orchestra. These local conductors enhanced their skills by working closely with the Vocal Coach/Stagecraft and Music Directors, from Perth who have both had extensive training in the baroque approach.

Denmark Weed Action Group

Denmark Weed Action Group’s (DWAG) work is recognised throughout the region’s natural resource community.

The results of several decades of effective management of our shire’s bushland has given Denmark a showcase of reserves and biodiversity. DWAG’s skills and expertise have been used to sponsor weeding groups in Torbay, Walpole and other locations.

Denmark Community Foundation is pleased to offer financial support toward the replacement their ageing ute to keep up their fantastic work.

Gumnut Corner Denmark - Occasional Daycare Centre

Gumnut Corner (or ‘Gumnuts’ as it’s affectionately known around town) is a local, not-for-profit daycare centre that has been supporting local families for 20 years.

Gumnut Corner is planning a community event to celebrate their history and with some assistance from the Denmark Community Foundation, are sure to put on a cracking event! Keep an eye on their Facebook page for details.

Spirit of Play Community School

Spirit of Play Community School received $1,000 toward a Mindful Awareness Parenting (MAP) program that aimed to strengthen and support parents and care-givers in the way they raise and nurture children.

MAP teaches people to be mindful of their own values, feelings, thoughts and reactions so they can parent and provide care in more respectful, sensitive and nurturing way.

​The program aims to develop secure attachments between parents/care givers and children by teaching the values of sensitive and consistent parenting whereby they respond to their child’s relationship needs with strength and kindness.

Green Skills 'Tip It Up!' program

The Tip it UP Project developed community members’ basic manual tool-handling and DIY skills. It provided:

  • an inclusive social learning space in the theme of recycling and up cycling materials from the Denmark Tip Shop
  • an opportunity for social interaction between people with a diverse range of abilities and disabilities

Kitchen Garden @ CWA

Promoting healthy eating and intergenerational gatherings through food and garden.

CWA created a thriving organic garden in a central location where members of the community can attend workshops to improve their gardening/cooking/preserving skills with a focus on years of CWA knowledge, healthy living and intergenerational bonding.

‘A Smart Start Denmark’

A project designed to provide families with information on the development and milestones of their children from 0 to 4 years.

The Denmark Community’s Future grant assisted in the purchase of manuals and books to support local mothers with new infants.

ECLECTICA – Denmark’s Community Choir

The Eclectica Community Choir received funds in support of the ‘Digby to Denmark’ project, where highly talented musician, director and teacher visited Denmark for workshops with the choir with the aim of improving vocal techniques, presentation and repertoire and directing skills.